In 2009, Janie Deegan returned home from college with a serious alcohol and drug problem. Eventually, she found herself homeless and living on the streets of New York City.
Fast forward to today…she is the owner of “Janie’s Life Changing Baked Goods,” a thriving business with three, NYC bakeries and booming e-commerce division. At the center of her success is the “pie crust cookie” — essentially a baby pie that comes in five, different flavors. Her company and her cookies have been featured on Good Morning America, The TODAY Show, CNN and The New York Times.
The company is dedicated to helping other young women through mentorship and second chance employment. As Janie shares in the podcast, “The person you show up for at the interview is the person we’re looking at. We’re not doing background checks…we have formerly incarcerated employees, homeless staff and those with addiction problems. It’s been really beautiful to see how people blossom when they are given a chance.”

Interested in trying Janie’s pie crust cookies? They come in apple, pecan, triple berry, chocolate and cherry and can be ordered from

What a sweet story! Love this. All the best to Janie and her company.
Kudos to Ms. Janie for her inspiring & gracious Success story. May Our Heavenly Father continue blessing her, her company, associates, investors & customers in restoring her & for sharing this heartfelt testimonial. Another evidence that: 1. Paradigms can be transformed. 2. Success starts in the mind: Just Believe, labor, assess, & perform to the best potential. 3. Always share success to inspire others. Q1. May I share this story in my next book to finance the Non-profit ministry: Truth for Freedom Institute (TF2i)? The mission is to empower souls slaved to addictions. Website under construction.